Fabrizio Iacopetti's Web site

PIC 16F877 Development Board v. 1.2
PIC 16F84 FF Evaluation Board
ATmega16/32 module v. 1.2
The photoetching of printed circuits
Photoetching - F.A.Q.
A few notes concerning C++ integral data types with reference to integer type
PIC - PS/2 mouse interfacing and communication routines (assembler)
Keypad 4x5 for microcontrollers
Connecting a microcontroller to RS-232 ports and PS/2 devices - v. 1.1 (Archive)
Communication with a PS/2 mouse using a PIC 16F84 (assembler) (Archive)
Host - PS/2 Mouse hardware communication (Archive)
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A charcoal by Leonardo (Milano, 1498)
Sant'Anna, la Madonna, il Bambino e San Giovannino
Accessible videogame interface for people with motor impairments

Last update   23 Jun 2009